
NGO supporting statement: The authorities try to create an “enemy image” by attacking civil society organizations

In recent days, the Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia once again attacked representatives of civil society organizations. This time, Civic Idea, Soviet Past Research Laboratory (Sovlab) and Tolerance Center of the Public Defender became the targets of the attack.

Attempts to discredit civil society organizations are taking place amidst the heavy social background, poverty and inflation, which remain the most painful and unsolvable problems for the population under the conditions of the long-term rule of Georgian Dream. Instead of offering a positive agenda to the public ahead of the 2024 parliamentary elections, the authorities are trying to run a negative anti-Western election campaign and mobilize its voters with the false rhetoric of fighting the country’s “enemies”.

It is obvious that another wave of attacks on civil society organizations by the authorities is part of the pre-election political propaganda, repeats one of the main narratives of Russian disinformation and serves the purpose of portraying civil society organizations as enemies. Unfortunately, this is not the first attempt by the ruling party to discredit civil society organizations. The authorities used similar information attack before the 2020 parliamentary elections as well. In the spring of 2023, Georgian Dream unsuccessfully tried to label all civil society organizations receiving international funding as foreign agents by passing a Russian law.

Provoking controversy in the society, using political persecution against specific people or organizations, conducting a hate campaign against them and trying to mobilize their own voters creates the impression that Georgian Dream is trying to achieve its narrow partisan goals at the expense of state interests. Hostile rhetoric towards civil society organizations contradicts both the constitutional values of a democratic state and the demand of the European Union towards taking steps against polarization.

Civil society organizations call on the authorities to stop the targeted hate campaign, to take steps for establishing partnership and business communication with them, and to refuse to instrumentalize polarization in the pre-election campaign. 

Signatory organizations:

NGO supporting statement: The authorities try to create an “enemy image” by attacking civil society organizations Read More »

DTL statement in response to Georgian Dream Party MP statement regarding funding for Civic IDEA

Doublethink Lab

The article is one of many in Georgia-focused media suggesting that in receiving funding from Taiwanese organizations, including DTL, Civic IDEA undermined its impartiality and ability to conduct objective research into the People’s Republic of China (PRC)’s relationship with Georgia.

In response, DTL would like to clarify our position and the nature of the relationship, which is limited to engagement around our flagship China Index project quantifying and visualizing PRC influence globally, and a one-off grant for related research.

DTL is devoted to strengthening democratic resilience and resisting digital authoritarianism globally, and as such we independently set and control the nature and direction of our research.

One aspect of DTL’s mission is to conduct research into PRC foreign influence and interference. For example, we are currently running a project to investigate Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference (FIMI) in the Indo-Pacific region. The project’s goal is to gather evidence on tactics, techniques, and procedures of FIMI, so that governments and civil society platforms can make informed decisions about the best way to handle the threats and challenges these pose.

Similarly, the China Index aims to provide data-driven insights on vectors of PRC influence, so that policymakers and CSOs can make evidence-based decisions about how to more sustainably manage their relationships with the PRC. The Index also enables stakeholders to compare the scale, nature and impact of PRC influence across regions and between countries, and provides a basis for more in-depth research.

Like many CSOs, we are an independent non-profit organization that sources funding from a diverse range of donors and sectors while taking vigorous steps to maintain the integrity and quality of our methodologies and research processes. This includes ensuring that our funders do not influence our choice of research partners, and choosing not to affiliate with governments or political parties.

Through the China Index, we have worked with more than 200 such individuals and institutions — RPs and their local experts involved in gathering data on PRC influence in their regions.

DTL initially selected Civic IDEA to be a China Index RP because of the outstanding quality of their work, and their expertise in studying foreign influence operations, principally those of Russia and the PRC, in the South Caucasus and Central Asia. For the forthcoming (second) iteration of the China Index, Civic IDEA again responded to the open call for RPs and was selected for similar reasons.

Civic IDEA’s anti-corruption research related to PRC companies’ activities in Georgia, particularly following the signing of a strategic partnership between the two countries in July 2023, is of critical importance to understanding the nature of PRC influence, and specifically funding allocation decisions made by Georgia’s current government and ruling party.

While DTL plays no part in funding this endeavor, we wish Civic IDEA and its partners every success in conducting their research, and continuing to advocate for stricter scrutiny and due diligence around the Georgian government’s dealings with PRC entities.

About Doublethink Lab

Established in 2019, Doublethink Lab (Doublethink) is a civil society organization devoted to strengthening democratic resilience and resisting digital authoritarianism. Doublethink’s strengths lie in the ability to combine a diverse set of research approaches in the social, behavioral, and computational sciences to study state-funded propaganda campaigns, psychological warfare, and related information operations. As coordinator of the China in the World (CITW) network, Doublethink seeks to foster cross-regional collaboration between academics, democracy movements, digital communities, like-minded CSOs, and experts on the People’s Republic of China. Its flagship project is the China Index.

About China In The World (CITW)

In 2019, Doublethink Lab and partners established the China In The World (CITW) network to support and unite stakeholders researching the People’s Republic of China (PRC)’s global influence, improve cross-regional awareness of related challenges, and strengthen democratic resilience worldwide. The network coordinates publication of the China Index, the first global initiative to measure and compare the PRC’s influence in various countries.

Link 👇

DTL statement in response to Georgian Dream Party MP statement regarding funding for Civic IDEA Read More »

Civic IDEA statement – Regarding the absurd uproar by the Georgian Dream about the “unveiling of the Taiwan agents” operation

We have chosen the name Civic IDEA – Civic Initiative for Democratic, Euro- Atlantic Choice, for a reason. All our projects and activities align with the objectives outlined in this title and the democratic, Euro-Atlantic aspirations of the Georgian people. Therefore, we scrutinize and assess the government’s actions that appear to distance the country from the West and align it more closely with Russia.

What we say and how the government responds:

Over the past seven years, we have consistently brought to light the government’s shady undertakings, substantiating claims of corruption with concrete facts and documents while unveiling the falsehoods and misinformation propagated by them.

1. All Chinese companies, to which the government of Georgia is granting multi- million dollar contracts, have a damaged reputation worldwide and can be found on the blacklists of various IFIs and our partner countries.The government alleges our reports are anti-state, yet it offers no response regarding engaging in contracts with sanctioned companies—just an attempt to deflect by merely sewing labels.

4. Additionally, over the course of five years, we have consistently raised concerns regarding the contractors selected for the construction of the Rikoti Bypass. We have published several reports where we have described and substantiated the “business fraud” by these companies in different countries. We sought clarification on the rationale behind the authorities’ confidence that these contractors would conduct their work in Georgia with integrity and professionalism despite facing lawsuits and disputes on nearly every continent. Unfortunately, our warnings went unheard; instead, we were labeled as “enemies” and deemed “anti-state elements who do not have a motherland.”

Why did the speaker of the parliament and the parliamentary majority get angry? Why now, in January 2024, when Civic IDEA has been exposing the alleged corrupt ties between the government and Chinese companies, along with the Prime Minister’s political corruption, for seven years?

There is a simple answer to this question – Anaklia Deep Sea Port.

It appears that the government is currently working on the decision to grant the Anaklia port tender to the Chinese company. Consequently, they are well aware of the anticipated public discontent stemming from such a choice and, in their view, are taking preemptive measures. The Georgian Dream acknowledges that Civic IDEA stands as the sole organization in the country dedicated to combating strategic corruption and safeguarding the nation’s strategic interests for the past seven years. Consequently, they anticipate the most informed and justified criticism from us. Our perspectives are not only heard and read domestically but also resonate with our Western partners. Hence, the GD members are laying the groundwork to dismiss our criticism by labeling us “Taiwan lobbyists or agents” rather than providing substantive arguments in response.

Here we must state unequivocally:

– Surprisingly enough, we are not the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, therefore we do not express a position on the recognition or non-recognition of any state;

– Thus neither Civic IDEA nor Tinatin Khidasheli has ever made a statement about the recognition of Taiwan’s independence;

– Surprisingly enough, we no longer at the Ministry of Defense either, so any insinuation that Tinatin Khidasheli had access to secret documents eight years ago (incidentally unrelated to Taiwan or the PRC, as they were not among the ministry’s partners at that time) is completely irrelevant to our current activities. Bringing up this topic out of context is a standard propaganda tactic.

– We are also engaged in educational activities and can educate interested MPs on the difference between “one China policy” and “one China principle”, positions and recognitions aired by Georgia’s western partners;

– Yes, Civic IDEA has partnership relations with organizations in Taiwan. Neither Imedi TV nor Rustavi 2 discovered this information. It is completely open and available on our website. Also, on our webpage, you will read that the partners of the international conference, which we hosted in Tbilisi in October 2023 and was attended by leading experts from more than 30 countries, were the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, together with the NATO Contact-Point Embassies in Georgia, the Embassy of Great Britain, the Embassy of Poland, the Visegrad Fund, FNF and NED.

– Furthermore, our webpage contains details about our visits to Taiwan and the panel discussions we conducted there. A more attentive read of our page would reveal that December 2023 was not our only or first visit to Taiwan.

– Finally, also on our page, you would have seen that we are participating in a very large international project run by our Taiwanese partner DTL, where Civic IDEA, leveraging the reputation and professionalism of its experts, was tasked to conduct research and analysis of the PRC activities in 13 countries across the globe.

– Finally, the statement “Taiwan is financing you” is incorrect. Unlike countries such as the Netherlands, Norway, the UK, and the USA, where Civic IDEA has received direct funding from their respective governments, we have never received financial support from the Taiwanese state. Our collaborations have been with private, independent organizations in Taiwan, and we genuinely anticipate that this partnership will endure in the future. If our proposed initiatives receive support and approval again, these organizations will allocate funding accordingly.

Civic IDEA statement – Regarding the absurd uproar by the Georgian Dream about the “unveiling of the Taiwan agents” operation Read More »


On July 31, 2023, during the official visit of Georgian PM Irakli Gharibashvili to the People’s Republic of China (PRC), a Sino-Georgian strategic partnership agreement was formally established. Under the terms of this agreement, Georgia pledges its full support to all initiatives put forth by Xi Jinping and expresses its readiness to engage actively. This surprising turn of events undermines the nation’s ambitions to align with Euro-Atlantic partnerships and could pose long-term security risks. There is no doubt among the Western academia and the security community that in the era of Great Power Competition, the initiatives launched by China are aimed at revising the existing global international order and establishing alternative, Sinocentric foreign policy relations, where China’s domestic authoritarianism or aggressive foreign policy will remain immune to the resulting international reactions.

Against this backdrop, it is crucial to understand the role and function of each individual initiative in achieving China’s above-mentioned ultimate goals. For this purpose, the “Civic Idea” has prepared a series of analytical blogs where China’s initiatives are analyzed.

  • One Belt One Road
  • Global Development Initiative
  • Global Security Initiative
  • Global Civilization Initiative

For more information, please see the full report below 👇


A drop in the ocean Chinese investments in Georgia

Following the publication of the Sino Georgian strategic cooperation statement, discussions on the ups and downs of this document have become a focal point in the Georgian media. This is not surprising since the issue concerns one of the largest and most ambitious states in the world, and its foreign policy moves are constantly at the center of attention.

Yet, a quick look at the China-related stories in the Georgian media highlights a distinct line of internal political resistance and the particular media outlet’s political inclination inclination. Yet due to the limited availability of information in Georgian, people form their perceptions of China based solely on what their chosen media source conveys.

In order to spread propaganda messages and narratives crafted by the Chinese Communist Party, dedicated programs air on various channels from time to time, exclusively featuring news about the People’s Republic of China. Recently, these programs incorporated exclusive interviews with the Chinese ambassador, directly conveying the agenda and objectives of the propaganda. Georgian Dream MPs and propagandists echo the narratives of the Chinese Communist Party with remarkable precision. “The fascination by economic cooperation with China” is one of their favorite talking points, and they repeat with absolute conviction that only “fools refuse” investments from China, for which the Georgian government works tirelessly.

Hereby, we need to emphasize that genuine success in economic relations can be gauged by a surge in direct investments and heightened interest from numerous companies entering the country, resulting in the creation of additional jobs and increased incomes fueled by external capital. It’s important to note that when observing the infrastructure developments such as roads, bridges, and tunnels in Georgia, a substantial portion of the funding originates from the Georgian taxpayers, specifically allocated in the state budget. These Chinese companies execute projects at the Georgian nations’ behest, being funded and directed by the Georgian government. As a result, their involvement has no correlation with the “growing” economic cooperation and the “enhanced economic appeal” of the country, which is primarily attributed to the successful work of the government. 

The truth is best reflected by official statistics, and nothing is more accurate and reliable than that. Without any additional explanations and interpretations, we present the data published by the Department of Statistics of Georgia over the years regarding foreign direct investments. This data unmistakably illustrates the government’s complete failure to attract Chinese investments, particularly in contrast to the lofty claims of significant interest and “immeasurably deepened” relations.

FDI from PRC
2010 – 2022 in thousands USD

As can be clearly seen in the present table, China’s investments in the country are so insignificant and meaningless that it is impossible even to consider them seriously. Meanwhile, in the wake of the government’s “effective steps”, even those minor investments are falling year by year. For example, in recent years, investments have decreased almost twice compared to 2018. The benchmark for 2020 and 2021 is simply negative. Naturally, the main argument of the opponents regarding the years 2020 and 2021 starts with the “COVID-19” pandemic, although the pandemic did not prevent Georgia’s real strategic partners from investing in the country. See the corresponding table.

FDI by countries
compared to the PRC.
2020 – 2021 in thousands USD

The share of a country with a huge and “most successful” economy in Georgia’s investment basket is extremely small, and the government’s policy, which promises huge results, has led nowhere since 2016. Investments made by the People’s Republic of China were definitely characterized by growth; in 2013, it exceeded 100 Million USD, and in the following year, 2014, it doubled and reached 221 million USD. However, after that, a sharp decrease began, and its average figure is a completely symbolic and meaningless reality. The table below clearly shows the dynamics of 2011-2022:

The share of PRC
FDI to Georgia.
2011 – 2022

The truth is that, China does not appear among the top 10 major investors in Georgia during the tenure of the “Georgian Dream” party in government:

Top 10 countries by FDI to Georgia
2015 – 2022
The PRC is not among them.
in thousands USD

Mathematics is the best friend for unveiling the truth. The numbers do not lie and do not perfectly describe the partnership, interests interests, and foreign policy objectives of states.

A drop in the ocean Chinese investments in Georgia Read More »

Civic IDEA at CITW 2023

On December 5-7, the Civic IDEA team participated in the China In The World Summit 2023, organized by the Taiwanese Non-governmental organization Doublethink Lab in Taipei, Taiwan.

Civic IDEA’s Senior Researcher Ani Kintsurashvili and Executive Assistant Salome Svanidze, together with Danil Bekturganov, CEO of “Civil Expertise” Kazakhstan, conducted a session on “Influence and Powerplay amid the Russia- Ukraine war: Is it possible for the PRC to dominate Central Asia?”.

The discussion delved into the nuanced role that China plays in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, oscillating between projecting itself as a “peacemaker” and indirectly supporting Russia. This dual role has added complexity to China’s global diplomacy and had a profound impact on the shifting geopolitical dynamics in Eurasia. Against the backdrop of Central Asian states delicately balancing between Russia and the West, the conflict accelerated the reassessment of their dependence on Moscow, presenting openings for both China and Western influences. The session also anticipated Kazakhstan’s distinctive and assertive stance against Russia, revealing variations in responses among the Central Asian Republics.

Civic IDEA at CITW 2023 Read More »

What are the risks of cooperation with the Chinese Communist Party Television?

CCTV’s influence extends beyond its programming, as it maintains close ties with the various units of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Therefore, the party-state determines the type of information and news accessible to the PRC’s 1.4 billion citizens through CCTV.

The same propaganda narratives were aired during the COVID-19 crisis. CCTV website claimed in 2020 that the U.S. military-operated biological laboratories that conduct covert development of biological weapons span the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Africa and extend across 27 former Soviet republics, including Georgia and Ukraine. More precisely, based on their article, the U.S. possesses a research network comprising 15 biological laboratories in Ukraine alone, in addition to 3 laboratories and 11 smaller institutes in Georgia.

Hence, the collaboration between any Georgian TV channel and China Central Television (CCTV), the principal propaganda apparatus of the CCP, is entirely inappropriate. This partnership raises concerns as it could potentially expose the local media outlets to disinformation, inadvertently contribute to the dissemination of fake news, and consequently pose a threat not only to the national security of the country but also jeopardize its foreign policy objectives of aligning with Western alliances.

What are the risks of cooperation with the Chinese Communist Party Television? Read More »

Georgia’s Path to Europe

In Washington DC, on December 1, 2023, the National Endowment for Democracy and the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center organise the event, Georgia’s Path to Europe.

Tinatin Khidasheli, the Chairperson of Civic IDEA is one of the speakers on the panel at this event. 

The European Commission’s November recommendation that EU candidacy status be granted to Georgia is the latest in a string of hard-won victories the Georgian people have achieved in recent months. In March, hundreds of thousands of Georgians took to the streets and forced the government to abandon a draconian Russian-style NGO law. In October, a controversial partisan gambit to impeach President Salome Zurabishvili failed after vocal opposition both in the parliament and throughout civil society. The loudest voices pushing back against democratic decline in the country belong to youth, civil society, and parliamentarians such as the women on this panel. Women from different political parties are coming together to highlight the importance of expanding political participation and keeping European integration the nation’s top priority.

Event Link 👇

Georgia’s Path to Europe

Georgia’s Path to Europe Read More »

Ani Kintsurashvili featured on the Strasbourg University Center for Journalism Education website

Senior researcher of Civic IDEA, Ani Kintsurashvili has been featured on the website of the university center for journalism education of the University of Strasbourg, discussing the presence of the notorious Chinese companies in Georgia’s infrastructure sector and their shady dealings with the Georgian business and political elites. She highlighted that Georgia’s 2024 elections will also be decisive. “If the government stays in power, the Chinese companies will continue to flood in and win contracts.”

Please visit the following link ?

Ani Kintsurashvili featured on the Strasbourg University Center for Journalism Education website Read More »

The authorities fail to respond to the sanctioning of judges and former chief prosecutor

We think that the Georgian authorities are apparently protecting the persons sanctioned by the U.S. Naturally, such an approach causes further damage to the country’s reputation and to the trust of international partners towards the Georgian authorities.

We call on the Georgian authorities to stop protecting the interests of the sanctioned persons and distancing the country from the Western space by doing so, provide an adequate response, and take concrete steps to redress the damage caused to the country by the fact of sanctioning.

Signatory organizations:

  1. Transparency International Georgia (TI Georgia)
  2. Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association (GYLA)
  3. International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED)
  4. Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI)
  5. Social Justice Center (SJC)
  6. Rights Georgia
  7. Human Rights Center (HRC)
  8. Open Society Georgia Foundation (OSGF)
  9. Georgian Court Watch
  10. Democracy Research Institute (DRI)
  11. Sapari
  12. Civic IDEA
  13. Europe-Georgia Institute (EGI)
  14. Economic Policy Research Center (EPRC)
  15. Media Development Foundation (MDF)
  16. Society and Banks
  17. Green Alternative
  18. Equality Movement
  19. Tbilisi Pride
  20. GrlzWave
  21. Georgian Democracy Initiative (GDI)
  22. Atlantic Council of Georgia
  23. Democracy Defenders
  24. Franklin Club
  25. Georgia’s Future Academy
  26. Reforms and Research Group
  27. Chavchavadze Center
  28. Institute of Democracy
  29. Research Institute Gnomon Wise
  30. Civic Engagement and Activism Center (CEAC)
  31. Tsertili
  32. Promote Georgia
  33. Kvemo Kartli Media
  34. Association Deserving Old Age
  35. Civic Movement for Freedom
  36. Media and Communication Educational-Research Center “Media Voice”
  37. Child Welfare League
  38. Abkhazia news
  39. Generations Empowerment Network
  40. Women Fund “Sukhumi”
  41. May Movement
  42. Women’s Initiatives Supporting Group (WISG)
  43. GEUT
  44. Employment and Training Center
  45. Civic Movement Chiatura of the Future
  46. Komli
  47. Civic Activity Center – Lakmus
  48. Women’s Fund in Georgia (WFG)
  49. EuroClub Kvareli
  50. Democracy Index – Sakartvelo
  51. Association IDPs for IDPs

The authorities fail to respond to the sanctioning of judges and former chief prosecutor Read More »

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