Civic IDEA is pleased to share a two-page report, ‘In the Wake of NUCTECH Raids: Evaluating International Fallout and Its Ties with Georgia,’ which overviews the recent scandals involving the Chinese company NUCTECH, emphasizing its notorious reputation and cooperation with Georgian state institutions.
In-The-Wake-of-NUCTECH-Raids-Evaluating-International-Fallout-and-Its-Ties-with-GeorgiaIn The Wake of NUCTECH Raids: Evaluating International Fallout and Its Ties with Georgia Read More »
Civic IDEA is delighted to announce the release of a two-pager report shedding light on “China’s Secret Cyberattacks”.
The document provides an overview of digital assaults perpetrated against the democratic institutions of both the UK and the US in recent years. Drawing from the indictment document of the US court, the report details the cyber-attacking strategies employed by the defendants. Furthermore, it unravels their intricate connections with the Communist Party of China.
Chinas-Secret-CyberattacksChina’s Secret Cyberattacks Read More »
Civic IDEA is pleased to share another China Watch report, “Unveiling China’s Corporate Power Play: Guizhou Provincial Highway Engineering Group Co and CNTIC in Georgia and Abroad,” overviewing the misconduct related to the two Chinese state-owned companies operating under the joint venture within the frames of Rikoti Bypass Project. We provide insights into the activities of these companies in Georgia, along with reports concerning the China National Technical Import and Export Corporation (CNTIC), which have garnered significant international media attention and are readily accessible through open sources.
See the full report below 👇
We are pleased to share with you our latest research “Workers’ Rights Watch” prepared with the support of NED and Caps Unlock. It delves into the details of labour relations within eight companies affiliated with the People’s Republic of China. The analysis is based on the conclusions made by the Labor Inspection Service of Georgia in the reporting period of 2022, the media monitoring conducted by us and the violations revealed as a result of multiple interviews with the victims. The findings underscore the critical need for implementing robust measures that compel companies to adhere to labor-legal norms, so that the socio-economic or civil-political rights aren’t violated.
For further details, please find the complete report attached below. 👇
Workers’ Rights Watch Read More »
Civic IDEA’s partner experts, Danila Bekturganov and Abbos Bobokhonov, implemented research on “Chinese growing technological impact in Central Asia”, overviewing the main activities of Chinese technology companies in the two largest countries of the Central Asian region – Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The authors considered the opportunities available for Chinese technology companies to access the personal and biometric data of users – citizens of Central Asian countries. Moreover, they studied the prospects for cooperation between Chinese technology companies and the authorities of the Central Asian countries and provided conclusions and main recommendations on the areas of advocacy activities both on the regional and international levels.
The material has been prepared with the support of a DTL (Doublethink Lab) grant – CITW fund.
See the full Report below ?
The report presents the update of Civic IDEA’s last year’s take on “Can Russia find more friends and support in the war against Ukraine? – position and reactions of Central Asian Countries” (See, overviewing the range of tactical and strategic narratives expressed by Central Asian states during the initial four months of the Russia-Ukraine war. The updated version aims to explore the shifts and changes in the positioning of the Central Asian countries on Russian aggression against Ukraine, as well as the great East-West power competition and the leverage of the region’s two authoritarian neighbors, Russia and China in various domains such as politics, international platforms, economics, military cooperation, and disinformation campaigns.
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Central Asia Regional Positioning on the Russia – Ukraine War Read More »
The report represents the update of Civic IDEA’s last year’s take on “PRC’s two-fold game in the Russian-Ukrainian war” (See:, which overviewed the set of tactical and strategic narratives from Beijing related to the first four months of the Russia-Ukraine war. It explores the dynamics of the relationship between Beijing and Moscow in various domains, including politics, international platforms, economics, military cooperation, and disinformation campaigns. Despite occasional gestures towards peace, China’s actions and statements indicate a difficult fixture in which it balances its relationships with both Russia and the West. Hence, our research aims to raise questions about China’s true intentions and complex game in Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
For more information, please see the full report below ?
Civic IDEA’s report #2 “PRC’s Peace Game – The War in Ukraine” Read More »
Within the framework of the project “Georgia as a Multi-ethnic and Multi-faceted Country”, we present the second consecutive monitoring report on the Georgian languageand literature textbooks. When examining Georgian language and literature textbooks, our main task was to evaluate:
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