

How did the dissolution of the USSR impact the European Community, and later the EU? Join us for the scisussion THIRTY YEARS ON: PROSPECTS FOR FUTURE RELATIONS BETWEEN THE EU AND ITS NEIGHBORS TO THE EAST Opening remarks: Prof. Philipp Ther, Professor of Central European History at the University of Vienna/ RECET – Research Center for the History ofHow did the dissolution of the USSR impact the European Community, and later the EU? Join us for the scisussion THIRTY YEARS ON: PROSPECTS FOR FUTURE RELATIONS BETWEEN THE EU AND ITS NEIGHBORS TO THE EAST

Opening remarks: Prof. Philipp Ther, Professor of Central European History at the University of Vienna/ RECET – Research Center for the History of Transformations.

Speaker: Vasily Astrov, Economist at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies Tinatin Khidasheli, Chair of Civic IDEA, former Georgian Defense Minister Kristi Raik (online), Director of the Estonian Foreign Policy Institute at the ICDS Tatiana Romanova, Associate Professor at St. Petersburg State University, Russia Sebastian Schäffer , Managing Director at the Institute for Danube Region and Central Europe.

Moderation: Swoboda Hannes, President of the IIP and former MEP This event is organized by the International Peace Institute (IPI) in cooperation with Multilateraler Dialog KAS Wien, IDM Institut für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa/Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, and with the support of the Diplomatische Akademie Wien Akademie Wien.



The chairperson of Civic IDEA participated in the webinar on “Georgia’s Domestic Challenges: Implications for national security and Western integration”

?? On Tuesday, Nov 9, during the Webinar on ‘Georgia’s Domestic Challenges: Implications for national security and Western integration’, the discussion was held about the ongoing Georgia’s crisis with authoritative experts and diplomats. Speakers included: ✅ Amb. Ian Kelly ✅ MEP Andrius Kubilius ✅ Civic IDEA Chair Tinatin Khidasheli ✅ MP Salome Samadashvili ✅ Senior Fellow at Atlantic Council Amb. Matthew Bryza, former deputy assistant Secretary of State.

The chairperson of Civic IDEA participated in the webinar on “Georgia’s Domestic Challenges: Implications for national security and Western integration” Read More »

Civic IDEA’s research featured in Carnegie Endowment for International Peace publication

Civic IDEA’s work has been featured in the 2021 publication of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “China’s Influence in Southeastern, Central, and Eastern Europe Vulnerabilities and Resilience in Four Countries”. Part of the research concerns the Chinese influence and the activities of the notorious Chinese companies in Georgia, as well as, the PRC academic initiatives and its Covid-19 diplomacy in the country. Civic IDEA’s research is attributed to well-demonstrated uncertainties associated with the Georgia-China economic cooperation. 
Below we provide an extract from the Carnegie research mentioning Civic IDEA:
“Georgian civil society organizations and experts—such as former defense minister Tinatin Khidasheli, now of Civic IDEA and Transparency International Georgia—enumerate multiple concerns about Sinohydro’s reputation, lack of transparency, and close relations with some government officials. The company has been blacklisted by the African Development Bank. The Georgian government’s transparency portal offered no record of how Sinohydro’s qualifications were assessed.

The China Railway 23rd Bureau Group is also controversial. The company has powerful backers in China. Initially the railway troops of the PLA, it became part of China’s Ministry of Railways. In 1989, the China Railway Construction Corporation was established as a stateowned enterprise. In June 2019, the World Bank announced “the nine-month debarment of China Railway Construction Corporation Ltd. (CRCC), a Chinese, state-owned construction and engineering company, and its wholly-owned subsidiaries, China Railway 23rd Bureau Group Co., Ltd. (CR23) and China Railway Construction Corporation (International) Limited (CRCC International), in connection with misconduct under the East-West Highway Corridor Improvement Project in Georgia.”This did not prevent the company from winning the contract for the new north-south bypass road shortly afterward.”

Check the full report below ?

Civic IDEA’s research featured in Carnegie Endowment for International Peace publication Read More »

Business visit in Slovakia

On October 18-19, senior researcher of Civic IDEA, Ani Kintsurashvili presented work and the results of Civic IDEA’s research in Bratislava to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovakia, Ministry of Defense of Slovakia, Central European Institute of Asian Studies, Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies and other representatives of several Slovak CSOs.

Ms. Kintsurashvili introduced the findings related to Chinese malign influence and corruption schemes in Georgia and exchanged the experience with the Slovak colleagues.

Business visit in Slovakia Read More »

Pandora’s Box Opened Bidzina Ivanishvili’s Connections with the Chinese Companies Report N8

In 2018-2020, “Civic IDEA” intensively published research concerning the shady links of Georgian political/business elite representatives with the notorious Chinese companies. Among them was a study named “Chkhartishvili Leads in China’s ”Closed Business Championship'”. According to our research and analysis of the materials found, the interests of CEFC China Energy, a company that has been exposed in many criminal cases in different countries of the world, were pursued by former Prime Minister Bidzina Ivanishvili and Vice Prime Minister of Eduard Shevardnadze’s government and Minister of Economy, Ivane Chkhartishvili.

The findings presented in the reports published by us over the years are fully corroborated by the Pandora documents published by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists in late September 2021, portraying the links between the former Prime Minister of Georgia and Brightstone Finance Limited registered in the Virgin Islands.

This report is a continuation of the studies published by us in 2018-2020. We will tell you how the judicial and the executive branches of government handed over one of the most important strategic assets of Georgia – the Poti Free Industrial Zone, to the bankrupt Chinese company CEFC China Energy. The report will also evaluate how Poti FIZ was brought under the total control of Bidzina Ivanishvili and Ivane Chkhartishvili after the bankruptcy of the Chinese CEFC. The court decision, which can not withstand any criticism, serves the sole purpose of retaining complete control of the former prime minister on Poti FIZ and preventing the return of property to the state.

Download report from here ?

Pandora’s Box Opened Bidzina Ivanishvili’s Connections with the Chinese Companies Report N8 Read More »

China Road and Bridge Corporation in Georgia Report N7

Civic IDEA’s China Watch Report N7 deals with misconduct related to the activities of the Chinese company “China Road and Bridge Corporation” (CRBC) in Georgia, tenders won illegally, violations related to labor rights, and shady practices in various countries worldwide. The company is collaborating with the Georgian Roads Department on two major infrastructure projects. Like other Chinese companies in Georgia, it was blacklisted by the World Bank in 2009 for fraudulent conduct in the tender of the first phase of the Philippine National Road Improvement and Management Program (NRIMP 1). CRBC was banned from participating in all World Bank-funded infrastructure projects for eight years. The mismanagement of the Chinese company in Georgia is mainly related to the violation of labor safety rules. In particular, China Road and Bridge Corporation did not adhere to minimum sanitary norms in the workplace, forced employees to work overtime and, most importantly, did not create labor safety conditions in the area, which endangered the health of local workers. The local Labor Inspectorate gave only a few recommendations to China Road and Bridge Corporation, and in fact, no sanctions were imposed on the company. Controversial activities of China Road and Bridge Corporation are also observed in Kenya, Uganda, Kyrgyzstan, Croatia and Ukraine. However, despite the shortcomings in other countries, the Georgian government continues to actively cooperate with the representatives of the Chinese company and sign new contracts with them.

More information about the activities of China Road and Bridge Corporation can be found at the following link ?


China Road and Bridge Corporation in Georgia Report N7 Read More »

FemaleForwardInternational: ESEE

♀️? Meet our female ambassadors and role models from civil society from Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Turkey, Greece.? In the #FemaleForwardInternational global campaign, FNF shares best practices of female empowerment and leadership from East and Southeast Europe ? Dereli Mihaela Miroiu Svetla Kostadinova Denise Ivanova თინათინ ხიდაშელი / Tinatin KhidasheliTinatin KhidasheliKaterina Papanikolaou

FemaleForwardInternational: ESEE Read More »

??A one-week workshop on “Common Challenges and Future Perspectives in the Caucasus” in Germany, August 15 – 20, 2021

??A one-week workshop on “Common Challenges and Future Perspectives in the Caucasus” in Germany, August 15 – 20, 2021

The workshop, which is the heart of the project, will bring together 20 young scholars, graduates, advanced students, and civil society activists from all over the Caucasus and international experts in conflict studies and peacebuilding.
The gathering is a combination of a small conference, training, and regional exchange. During the workshop, the intercultural teams can work on their projects and receive feedback from their peers and international experts. Furthermore, participants will receive training on vital skills and competencies which help them to fulfill their potential.
We will also produce the joint print and online publication “Corridors-Proceedings Vol. III” Please send your application consisting of a letter of motivation, curriculum vitae, and abstract to not later than by 6 June 2021 and with the email subject “AYPC 2021”.
Thanks to the funding of the German Federal Office (#CivilSocietyCooperation), we will cover all project-related costs for the selected participants, including travel, accommodation, full board, and excursions.

??A one-week workshop on “Common Challenges and Future Perspectives in the Caucasus” in Germany, August 15 – 20, 2021 Read More »

Civic IDEA’s 6th China Watch Report “Nuctech Company Ltd. in Georgia“

Civic IDEA has published the 6th China Watch report “Nuctech Company Ltd. in Georgia”, which evaluates the controversies over the Chinese biggest security scanner distributor “Nuctech Company Ltd”. The latter covers the company’s cooperation with the Georgian government, fraudulent activities related to Georgian and foreign tender procedures, malfunctions of its security equipment, and corruption scandals worldwide. More specifically, the report discusses the cases of Georgia, Namibia, Taiwan, and Europe, reveals Nuctech’s military ties with the Russian Federation, and reviews the US adversarial policies towards it.

Chinese company Nuctech company limited first appeared on the Georgian market in March 2008. At that time, The Minister of Finance of Georgia, Nika Gilauri, signed an agreement with Nuctech Company Limited on behalf of the Government of Georgia. The contract was on the implementation of the project for the supply of inspection complexes to the Government of Georgia. According to the 2014 report of the State Audit Office, in 2012, within the framework of simplified procurements, two contracts were signed with Nuctech Company Limited for the purchase of stationary X-ray scanners (NUCTECH MB1215DE). The X-ray inspection system was to be delivered at the Kazbegi customs checkpoint. The total value of the procurement was 4,566,775 USD. Within the tenders announced by the Revenue Service in 2011-2013, participating suppliers filed several claims against the National Procurement Agency over the fact that the Revenue Service adapted required technical specification to the Nuctech Company Limited catalogs; also, they were so complicated that many suppliers were barred from participating. In 2018-2020, the Revenue Service purchased a total of 5,870,722.48 USD goods from Nuctech Company Limited through simplified procurement. The objects of procurements were the preventive and corrective maintenance service of the X-ray scanners owned by the Revenue Service. One of the countries that properly resist Nuctech and restricts its access to critical domestic industries is the United States. The US Transport Security Administration (TSA) banned Nuctech installations in 2014 and provided a detailed review of the company’s misconduct leaning on its international experiences in the classified document. Furthermore, the US government is calling on its European allies to restrict Nuctech’s access to public tenders and disregard the baggage screening equipment it provides. Moreover, the US government is calling on its European allies to restrict Nuctech’s access to public tenders and abandon its baggage screening equipment. However, today European states respond individually to the allegations against Nuctech and its activities. For example, while Nuctech has successfully won tenders in Estonia, Finland, and Croatia, the Lithuanian government has officially banned equipment manufactured by this company. We are often asked about the specific damage Nuctech can bring to the country. For instance, in Ukraine, Nuctech not only supplied incomplete and defective equipment to the Ukrainian customs checkpoints but even won the case against the State Security Bureau and the Ministry of Finance in court. Namibia also has a painful experience, as Beijing removed it from China’s internet search engines and imposed all kinds of media censorship on it all over the country just because the latter had launched an investigation regarding the Nuctech-related corruption scandal. The Chinese authorities removed Namibia because Hu Haifeng, the son of the Chinese Communist Party leader Hu Jintao, was involved in the corruption scandal there. Despite the global technological development, the Chinese Communist Party still effectively manages to ban undesirable internet searches from its population. It is noteworthy that in addition to expanding economic influence and participating in corrupt and fraudulent activities, Nuctech and its owner, Tsinghua University, also seek to spread influence through the academic sphere. The company works closely with St. Petersburg State University to develop high-energy X-ray machines, anti-terrorist equipment, and other technologies that have the potential of being used for military purposes.

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